The 2nde 9 made Vegetarian British food

Anglais, Infos, Lycée

We Made Vegetarian British Food !


To complete our lesson on British food, our teacher, Mr. Vernois-Cruchet, decided to make us cook vegetarian dishes in order for us to try all the food we have been talking about for the past weeks and realize for ourselves if it really is that bad.


On Thursday night, we had to meet, with the other students in our group, to prepare and cook the traditional British dish that we chose. Unfortunately, most of us don’t really know how to cook or only know how to cook pasta and heat up pizzas, which means that it was very difficult for some of us to make an entire dish by ourselves. Yet, the final dishes were better than I expected and most of them were really tasty. I personally really liked the Irish Stew and the Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie.


Furthermore, I would say that this activity and this unit in general helped us to learn and practice cooking vocabulary, but also discover a big part of the United Kingdom’s culture: its food.

Although this unit could be seen as an easy lesson, it was more than just learning new words, food idioms, recipes. It was also about learning the background of those dishes, vegetarianism, and the impact of our food choice on climate change, and how important it is to reduce our meat consumption, especially red meat.


Overall, it was a really fun experience and it really helped us understand that British food is actually quite good, and that making vegetarian dishes or cooking in general is not that hard, you just need to be willing to try your best.


Marion Burckle, 2nde-9