
After studying William Shakespeare's life and gathering information about Elizabethan theatres in the 16th century, the pupils from the Language and Literature group of 5ème built the Globe Theatre on December 21st. They took up the challenge to do it in 50 minutes! Look at...

On Saturday December the 15th, a group of students taking part in the FerMUN Model United Nations conference in Geneva in January 2019, attended a class in interpretation at the Autonomous University of Barcelona’s interpretation faculty. This short trip gave us the chance to experience...

Students from Terminale went to an exhibition at the CCCB last week, reviewing the creative career of New York film director Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999). This in-depth exploration of the complete works of Kubrick presents video extracts as well as objects and props from the...

A look at relationships, love and life in the face of death. The 2nd LL and 1ère L LVA visited two exhibitions at the Docfield festival last Tuesday, both in the Palau Robert.  The theme this year was "LOVE: Effects of Affection". We focused on two American...

Les petits vampires, fantômes, sorcières et autres monstres de CP ont fêté Halloween à l'école. Au programme : collage de citrouilles, lecture d'histoires terrifiantes et, bien entendu, dégustation de bonbons ! Cette activité s'est déroulée dans le cadre des cours d'anglais dispensés par Stéphane Pilon. Happy Halloween !...