

eTwinning is part of the ESEP – the European School Education Platform . « There, teachers organise and run on-site and online activities with their students along with colleagues from other European countries. The eTwinning community is made up of thousands of teachers and educators who share a vision of inclusive schools, using information and communication technology in a meaningful way, and making the most of 21st-century skills. » (ESEP – Homepage)



Two weeks ago, 17 pupils from the 6ème 8 (half-group nº 2 in English) started to participate in the project called « Set Sail – Not all Treasure is Silver and Gold »: it is offered by a Latvian teacher and Mrs Pindado’s pupils will have partners from Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Turkey and Italy.



The two main goals of this project is to share our culture with the other participants and to discover theirs, so  the pupils will create at least 3 final products: a Padlet wall with the videos where they introduce themselves, an interactive and customised map showing the « treasures » they have chosen in Barcelona, and a Kahoot quiz about Spain.



Our pupils have already watched other participants’ videos and have chosen their pirate name to embark on this new adventure! Their testimonies show how enthusiastic they are!


– « My name is Gabrielle Simphal but my pirate name is Sally Bradforth. I’m motivated to do this project, I like it because the pirates are cool !  And I liked seeing the videos. »


– « I felt weird when I recorded the video. I am going to meet pupils from Latvia!!!!!!! So exciting!!! When I saw the video of the other pupils, I thought I was going to make a better one. But I didn’t ! I didn’t wear the pirate hat because I thought I was going to be ridiculous. » Yannick Le Yaouanc


– « I am very excited about doing this project because there are pupils from all around Europe. I felt a little stressed doing my video because I don’t know the pupils that are going to watch it (I didn’t wear the pirate hat because I was going to look ridiculous). We are going to discover other cities from Europe and we’re going to make them know ours. » Aurèle Adam


–  » I am very happy to make this project with some foreign pupils from Latvia and from turkey.It is very exciting! » Anton Spada


–  » I am very excited to work with pupils from other countries of the world, I think it will be very cool ! » Nil Chalier


– » I am very excited to do this project because I’ll get to meet people from all over Europe. I felt a little scared and stressed doing the video because everyone will be able to watch it » Diego Celie


– » I love the idea about this project ,it’s a very good idea . It was cool making the video with my friend. It was very funny. I was a bit shy,but it was great. Thanks  for including us in this project. » Emma Brown


–  » This is a good idea, meeting new pupils. The videos are really funny and they are really friendly. I am really excited. This is great! I might also be able to connect with other countries! » Olivia Garcia